Southern Red Bishop
Southern Red Bishop Distribution

Southern Red Bishop
Euplectes orix
A: Rooivink
Ss: thaha-kgube
Z: ibomvana, isigwe, intakansinsi

Widowbirds and Bishops

14cm (S)

Occurs in flocks in association with reeds, rank grassland and cultivations; common in vleis. In summer, male displays by puffing out its plumage while perched or flying over its territory (see illustration); usually several visible at a time. In winter, forms flocks and is nomadic.

Common resident. Well-known and conspicuous colonial nester in reed beds, even in urban environments. Breeding male could only be mistaken in northeastern regions for Black-winged Red Bishop, but differs in black (not red) crown. Female and non-breeding male difficult to identify, but typically rather warm brown with streaked breast. In summer, male calls a wheezy, spluttering ‘zik-zik-zik… zayzayzayzayzay’.