Southern Masked Weaver
Ploceus velatus
A: Swartkeelgeelvink
Ss: letoloptje
Z: umzwingili
Weavers, Sparrows and Queleas
15cm (S)
Gregarious at all times. Small parties and flocks occur in thornveld, riverine bush, and exotic trees around homesteads and farms. Breeds in small colonies in trees away from water, commonly in suburbia, or in large colonies in waterside bushes and reeds. Nomadic when not breeding; often on farmlands.
Very common resident. Breeding male distinguished from Lesser Masked-Weaver by red eyes, pointed (not rounded) bib and more yellow crown (black mask extends across forehead only); from Village Weaver by plain back and black forehead. Non-breeding male resembles female. Breeding female has slightly more yellow underparts and redder eyes. Immature is duller, greyer on underparts. Utters prolonged swizzling sounds when breeding plus a sharp ‘zik’.