Newman's-Crowned Eagle
Newman's-Crowned Eagle-Distribution

Crowned Eagle

Stephanoaetus coronatus

A: Kroonarend
G: Kronenadler
Z: ukhoziqholwane, isihuhwa

Eagles (True)

80-90 cm (VL)

Pairs have territories in evergreen forest , forested kloofs, dense riparian forests with large trees and well-wooded hillsides. An extremely powerful hunter often taking prey much larger than themselves up to 20 kg. Adult birds specialise in hunting monkeys, where they will dive below the forest canopy swooping upwards to strike the unsuspecting prey from below with their powerful talons, also hunt antelope, bushpigs, gamebirds, lizards and hyrax. Nesting within forest canopy.

Fairly common resident. Large and powerful, its comparatively short wings adapted to manoeuvring at speed through forest trees. Dark with crested head and heavily barred or blotched underparts; in flight noticeable dark barred underwings (Female have 2, Male. have 3) and tail. Underwing coverts diagnostic rufous. Immature is initially white on the head and underparts, becoming progressively spotted and blotched attaining maturity in the 4th yr.; but maintains distinctive broad tail bands in all years (see underwings). Confusion with immature Martial Eagle. Pairs are very vocal within their territory. In display flight, calls ‘cheeep chereep chereep…’ speeding up when the bird dives.