Blacksmith Lapwing

Your browser does not support the audio element. Blacksmith LapwingVanellus armatusA: BontkiewietSs: MootlatshepeZ: indudumela BIRD FAMILYLapwings SIZE30cm (M) HABITATPairs and scattered individuals frequent the shores of a wide variety of inland waters, marshy ground, flooded fields and other moist places. SPECIES DESCRIPTIONVery common resident. A pied plover with grey wings and mantle. Immature has the…

Spotted Thick-knee

Your browser does not support the audio element. Spotted Thick-kneeBurhinus capensisA: Gewone DikkopSs: KgwadiraZ: umbangaqhwa BIRD FAMILYThick-Knees SIZE44cm (L) HABITATPairs frequent dry, rocky ground with short grass, open fields and open areas within woodland; frequently in little-developed urban areas. Rests by day under bushes or among rocks, running off with lowered head if disturbed. SPECIES…

Helmeted Guineafowl

Your browser does not support the audio element. Helmeted GuineafowlNumida meleagrisA: Gewone TarentaalSs: Kgaka ya lenakaZ: impangele lehlathi BIRD FAMILYGuineafowls SIZE53-58cm (L) HABITATWhen not breeding, flocks are sometimes very large, occurring in grassland, bushveld and farmlands. Regularly goes to water in the evenings. SPECIES DESCRIPTIONVery common resident. Told by blue neck, red cap and horny…

Black-headed Heron

Your browser does not support the audio element. Black-headed HeronArdea melanocephalaA: SwartkopreierSs: Kokolofitwe ya hlohontshoZ: unokilonkolikhandamnyama BIRD FAMILYHerons, Egrets and Bitterns SIZE97cm (VL) HABITATOccurs singly or in scattered groups in grassland (especially pastures), grassy road verges, farmlands and marshes. Seldom feeds in water but roosts and breeds in trees or in reeds over water. SPECIES…

African Black Duck

Your browser does not support the audio element. African Black DuckAnas sparsaA: SwarteendSs: Letata la nokaZ: idadelimnyama BIRD FAMILYGeese and Ducks SIZE51-54cm (L) HABITATDuring daytime, pairs inhabit streams and rivers with stony bottoms (often in well-wooded valleys), moving to larger, open waters at sunset to roost. SPECIES DESCRIPTIONUncommon resident. Characterised by dark grey-brown plumage with…

Egyptian Goose

Your browser does not support the audio element. Egyptian GooseAlopochen aegyptiacaA: KolgansSs: LefalwaZ: ilongwe BIRD FAMILYGeese and Ducks SIZE71cm (VL) HABITATPairs occupy small waters or sections of rivers, but large numbers often gather on deep waters to moult their wing feathers or on sandbanks when large rivers are in spate. Often flies in the evening…

African Sacred Ibis

Your browser does not support the audio element. African Sacred IbisThreskiornis aethiopicusA: SkoorsteenveërSs: lehalanyaneZ: inkankanelunga BIRD FAMILYIbises and Spoonbills SIZE89cm (VL) HABITATGroups or flocks forage in marshy ground, dams, on shorelines, agricultural lands, rubbish dumps and in breeding colonies of other large birds. Migratory to some degree within Africa. In southern Africa, most common in…

Hadada Ibis

Your browser does not support the audio element. Hadada IbisBostrychia hagedashA: HadedaSs: lengaanganeZ: inkankane BIRD FAMILYIbises and Spoonbills SIZE76cm (VL) HABITATOften, several birds call in unison. Pairs or small groups feed on damp ground, near water or in vleis, plantations, agricultural lands, playing fields and suburban gardens. Roosts in tall trees and flies to and…

Pied Crow

Your browser does not support the audio element. Pied CrowCorvus albusA: WitborskraaiSs: mohakajaneZ: igwababa BIRD FAMILYCrows SIZE46-52cm (L) HABITATA bold species usually found in association with human settlements, where it gleans food scraps, especially haunting refuse dumps, school playing fields, highways and farmlands. Usually in loose flocks or large communal roosts. SPECIES DESCRIPTIONCommon and widespread…

Rock Dove

Your browser does not support the audio element. Rock DoveColumba liviaA: TuinduifZ: ijuba ledolobha BIRD FAMILYPigeons and Doves SIZE33cm (M) HABITATMainly occurs in larger towns, where it is very tame. Dependent on human habitation but flocks may frequent cliffs, mine shafts and farmlands. SPECIES DESCRIPTIONCommon to abundant resident. An introduced species. Very well known and…