Diederik Cuckoo

Your browser does not support the audio element. Diederik CuckooChrysococcyx capriusA: DiederikkieSs: Ntetekeng ya leihlofubeduZ: unonengekhanda BIRD FAMILYCuckoos SIZE18.5cm (S) HABITATUsually occurs singly in a variety of wooded habitats, including reed beds and suburbia. Parasitises weavers, bishops and sparrows, and often seen while being chased off noisily by weavers. SPECIES DESCRIPTIONCommon summer resident. Both sexes…

Green Wood Hoopoe

Your browser does not support the audio element. Green Wood HoopoePhoeniculus purpureusA: RooibekkakelaarSs: Pekadifate e talaZ: inhlekabafazi BIRD FAMILYWood Hoopoes SIZE30-36cm (M) HABITATOccurs in parties of three to eight in woodland or well-wooded suburbia. Parties fly from tree to tree in straggling procession, settling low down and working their way upwards. SPECIES DESCRIPTIONCommon resident. Larger…

Greater Striped Swallow

Your browser does not support the audio element. Greater Striped SwallowCecropis cucullataA: GrootstreepswaelZ: inkonjanenkulu BIRD FAMILYSwallows SIZE20cm (M) HABITATOccurs in pairs when breeding; otherwise small flocks are found over open terrain, montane grassland, near culverts, rocky koppies and human habitation. Flies with much gliding and perches frequently on trees and wires. SPECIES DESCRIPTIONCommon summer resident.…

Speckled Mousebird

Your browser does not support the audio element. Speckled MousebirdColius striatusA: Gevlekte MuisvoëlSs: Mmasehlothwana wa leramantshoZ: indlazi BIRD FAMILYMousebirds SIZE30-35cm (M) HABITATFlocks, which fly in straggling groups, frequent dense bush, scrub, forest fringes and suburbia in the moister regions. SPECIES DESCRIPTIONCommon resident. Identified by dull-brown coloration and bill, black upper mandible, white lower mandible and…

Southern Masked Weaver

Your browser does not support the audio element. Southern Masked WeaverPloceus velatusA: SwartkeelgeelvinkSs: letoloptjeZ: umzwingili BIRD FAMILYWeavers, Sparrows and Queleas SIZE15cm (S) HABITATGregarious at all times. Small parties and flocks occur in thornveld, riverine bush, and exotic trees around homesteads and farms. Breeds in small colonies in trees away from water, commonly in suburbia, or…

Crested Barbet

Your browser does not support the audio element. Crested BarbetTrachyphonus vaillantiiA: KuifkophoutkapperSs: MmadiwatjheZ: usiqhovana BIRD FAMILYBarbets and Tinkerbirds SIZE23cm (M) HABITATFound in well-wooded savanna, riverine forest and bushveld. Attracted to fruit in suburban gardens. SPECIES DESCRIPTIONCommon resident. Well-known barbet with characteristic yellow-and-black plumage. Red scaling on the head is variable and less profuse in females…

Black-collared Barbet

Your browser does not support the audio element. Black-collared BarbetLybius torquatusA: RooikophoutkapperSs: KopaopeZ: usibagwebe, isinqonqotho, isandondondwane BIRD FAMILYBarbets and Tinkerbirds SIZE19-20cm (M) HABITATOccurs in broad-leaved woodland, including well-wooded suburbia. SPECIES DESCRIPTIONCommon resident. Bright red forehead, face and foreneck, broad black collar, golden edges to wing-feathers and heavy black bill with ‘toothed’ ridge. Rarely, yellow replaces…

Red-chested Cuckoo

Your browser does not support the audio element. Red-chested CuckooCuculus solitariusA: Piet-my-vrouSs: Tlo-nke-tsohoZ: uphezukomkhono BIRD FAMILYCuckoos SIZE28cm (M) HABITATOccurs in a variety of wooded habitats. Male calls from a high tree and often in flight when, in common with others on this page, it appears hawk-like. Parasitises mostly robins. Like other cuckoos, more often heard…

Southern Red Bishop

Your browser does not support the audio element. Southern Red BishopEuplectes orixA: RooivinkSs: thaha-kgubeZ: ibomvana, isigwe, intakansinsi BIRD FAMILYWidowbirds and Bishops SIZE14cm (S) HABITATOccurs in flocks in association with reeds, rank grassland and cultivations; common in vleis. In summer, male displays by puffing out its plumage while perched or flying over its territory (see illustration);…

Cape Sparrow

Your browser does not support the audio element. Cape SparrowPasser melanurusA: Gewone MossieSs: serobele-hlohophatshwaZ: undlunkulu BIRD FAMILYWeavers, Sparrows and Queleas SIZE15cm (S) HABITATUsually seen near human habitation. When not breeding, flocks occur on farmlands and in cattle kraals. Tame and confiding. SPECIES DESCRIPTIONVery common, near-endemic resident. Black-and-white head and breast pattern of male distinctive; female…