Bat Hawk

Your browser does not support the audio element. Bat HawkMacheiramphus alcinus A: VlermuisvalkG: FledermausaarN: surutsi!gūbe hīsabesSp: Matsenelela wa mmankganeSs: Fiolo ya mmankganeTw: Segodi sa mmamathwaneZ: umahlwithilulwane BIRD FAMILYHawks SIZE45 cm (L) HABITATFrequents riparian forests, evergreen *forest* and other heavily wooded regions, preferring light barked trees such as baobabs, mahogany including the edges of exotic plantations.…

Ayres’s Hawk-Eagle

Ayres’s Hawk-Eagle Hieraaetus ayresii A: KleinjagarendG: FleckenadlerN: ǂkhari-anxa !khāsSp: Ntšhumebalabala ye nnyaneSs: Ntsutjheke e nnyenyaneTw: Ntsukgweba e nnyeX: Z: ukhozolumabalabala BIRD FAMILYEagles (True) SIZE46-55 cm (L) HABITATBreeding records are scattered but noted in Zim, n Botswana and n KZN and Northern Pretoria. Frequents well-wooded regions, wooded hillsides and *Eucalyptus* plantations, occasionally even in rural suburbia.…

Amur Falcon

Your browser does not support the audio element. Amur FalconFalco amurensis A: Oostelike RooipootvalkG: Amur-RotfußfalkeN: aiǂoa ǀawa-ǂai ǀaubSp: Sepekwa sa leotomodipaSs: Phakwe ya leotolamunuTw: Phakwe ya lenao-orenjiZ: oklebeklebe BIRD FAMILYFalcons and Kestrels SIZE28-30 cm (M) HABITATOccurs in *grassland* and farmlands in *flocks*, often large; frequently mixes with [Lesser Kestrel] or [Red-footed Falcon]. Usually perches on…

African Harrier Hawk (Gymnogene)

Your browser does not support the audio element. African Harrier Hawk (Gymnogene)Polyboroides typusA: KaalwangvalkG: Schlangensperber, HöhlenweiheN: !huni-ai hīsabesSp: SeitlhwaelediSs: SeitlhwaelediTw: SeitlhwaelediZ: ijikanyawo BIRD FAMILYHawks SIZE60-66 cm (L) HABITATOccurs in a wide range of habitats from montane forests and plantations to woodland, bushveld or thornveld at lower levels, especially riparian forests and wooded valleys. Becoming more…

African Goshawk

Your browser does not support the audio element. African GoshawkAccipiter tachiroA: Afrikaanse SperwerG: Afrikanischer Sperber, TachirosperberN: Afrika ani!khābSp: Matsenelela wa AfrikaSs: Fiolo ya AfrikaTw: Segodi sa AforikaX: ukholoZ: ushomheshe, imvumvuyane BIRD FAMILYGoshawks and Sparrowhawks SIZE40cm (M) HABITATUnobtrusive in montane, lowland and riparian *forest*, wooded valleys, exotic plantations and *suburban* fringes. Partially crepuscular, still hunting from…

African Fish Eagle

Your browser does not support the audio element. African Fish EagleHaliaeetus vociferA: VisarendG: SchreiseeadlerN: huri-am!ariǃkhāsSp: NtšhuhlapiSs: NtsuhlapiTw: AudiX: inkwazaZ: inkwazi BIRD FAMILYEagles (True) SIZE63-73 cm (VL) HABITATUsually occurs in territorial pairs at inland waters and rivers and seashores in remoter regions. Conspicuous and noisy, mainly hunt from a perched position swooping down to catch prey.…

African Cuckoo Hawk

Your browser does not support the audio element. African Cuckoo HawkAviceda cuculoidesA: KoekoekvalkSs: Fiolo-lehopohoZ: usomthende BIRD FAMILYHawks SIZE40cm (L) HABITATUsually occurs singly near *forest* fringes, riparian forests, mixed woodland and plantations mainly in the eastern half of the region. SPECIES DESCRIPTIONUncommon, secretive resident. Recognised by its short legs, crested grey head – the grey extending…

Test Species

Your browser does not support the audio element. Grey Go-away-birdCorythaixoides concolorA: KwêvoëlSs: MokoweZ: umklewu BIRD FAMILYTuracos and Allies SIZE47-50cm (L) HABITATPairs and small parties occur in mixed bushveld, woodland and well-wooded suburbia, usually in the upper stratum and invariably noisy. Flies with rather heavy wing movements, mostly below the tree tops. SPECIES DESCRIPTIONCommon resident. All-grey…

Grey Go-away-bird

Your browser does not support the audio element. Grey Go-away-birdCorythaixoides concolorA: KwêvoëlSs: MokoweZ: umklewu BIRD FAMILYTuracos and Allies SIZE47-50cm (L) HABITATPairs and small parties occur in mixed bushveld, woodland and well-wooded suburbia, usually in the upper stratum and invariably noisy. Flies with rather heavy wing movements, mostly below the tree tops. SPECIES DESCRIPTIONCommon resident. All-grey…

Rose-ringed Parakeet

Your browser does not support the audio element. Rose-ringed ParakeetPsittacula krameriA: RingnekparkeitSs: Hekana ya setonoleleleZ: unocu BIRD FAMILYParrots and Lovebirds SIZE40cm (M) HABITATUsually occurs singly in a variety of wooded habitats, including reed beds and suburbia. Parasitises weavers, bishops and sparrows, and often seen while being chased off noisily by weavers. SPECIES DESCRIPTIONFairly common, localised…