Crowned Eagle

Your browser does not support the audio element. Crowned Eagle Stephanoaetus coronatus A: KroonarendG: KronenadlerZ: ukhoziqholwane, isihuhwa BIRD FAMILYEagles (True) SIZE80-90 cm (VL) HABITATPairs have territories in evergreen forest , forested kloofs, dense riparian forests with large trees and well-wooded hillsides. An extremely powerful hunter often taking prey much larger than themselves up to 20…

Common Buzzard

Your browser does not support the audio element. Common Buzzard Buteo buteo A: BruinjakkalsvoëlG: MäusebussardN: ǂgama anitsēbebSp: Kgajwane ye tshothoSs: Kgajwane e tshoothoTw: Ntswana e rokwaX: isigolodaZ: isanxa BIRD FAMILYBuzzards SIZE45-50 cm (L) HABITATCommonly seen on roadside posts in summer, or circling slowly overhead. Northward-migrating flocks follow forested hills in early March. A non-breeding species;…

Cape Vulture

Your browser does not support the audio element. Cape Vulture Gyps coprotheres A: KransaasvoëlG: KapgeierN: ǁhoa kai-anisSp: RrantšweSs: Lening la selomoTw: DiswaaneX: ihlangaZ: udlanga lentaba BIRD FAMILY Vultures SIZE105-115 cm (VL) HABITATThe common vulture of the central regions and ranging widely when not breeding. Often perches on pylons. Frequents and reliant on high cliffs when…

Brown Snake-Eagle

Brown Snake-Eagle Circaetus cinereus  A: BruinslangarendG: Brauner SchlangenadlerN: ǂgama ǀao!khāsSp: Lejanoga le lesothoSs: Lejanoha le lesoothoTw: Lejanoga le lerokwaZ: indlanyokensundu BIRD FAMILY  Snake-Eagles SIZE  71-76 cm (VL) HABITAT Solitary in any woodland or coastal  grassland . Still-hunts conspicuously from a bare branch or pylon, killing and eating large snakes on the ground or in a tree. Occasionally…

Booted Eagle

Booted Eagle Hieraaetus pennatus A: DwergarendG: ZwergadlerN: ǂkhari !khāsSp: Ntšhu ye nnyaneSs: Ntsu e nnyenyaneTw: Ntsu e nnyeZ: ukhozolumadladla BIRD FAMILYEagles (True) SIZE48-52 cm (L) HABITATFlying conspicuously at low altitudes in both hilly, open country woodland and semi-desert. Avoiding dense forest. Local pop. breeding occurs mainly in the montane cliff regions of south western South…

Black-winged (Black-shouldered) Kite

Your browser does not support the audio element. Black-winged (Black-shouldered) Kite Elanus caeruleus A: BlouvalkG: GleitaarN: ǂnū-ǁgawo hīsabesSp: SegotšaneSs: SegootsaneTw: SegootsaneX: isitshisaneZ: udemezane, umazabelweni BIRD FAMILY Buzzards SIZE30 cm (M) HABITAT Occurs in  broad-leaved woodland , mixed bushveld and well-treed farmlands. Often perches partially concealed in the canopy of a tree, but also conspicuously on telephone…

Black-chested Snake-Eagle

Black-chested Snake-Eagle Circaetus pectoralis A: SwartborsslangarendG: Schwarzbrust-SchlangenadlerN: ǂnū-ǀgā ǀao!khasSp: Lejanoga la sehubasoSs: Lejanoha la sefubantshoTw: Lejanoga la sehubantshoZ: indlanyokemnyama BIRD FAMILY Snake-Eagles SIZE63-68 cm (VL) HABITATUsually occurs singly in bushveld or grassland, occasionally perched, more often flying high and hovering; the only eagle to hover regularly. Snakes may be taken into the air, killed and…

Black Sparrowhawk

Your browser does not support the audio element. Black Sparrowhawk Accipiter melanoleucus A: SwartsperwerG: Mohrenhabicht, TrauerhabichtN: ǂnū ani!khābSp: Matsenelela yo mosoSs: Fiolo e ntshoTw: Segodi se sentshoZ: uheshanomnyama BIRD FAMILY Goshawks and Sparrowhawks SIZE46-58 cm (L) HABITATOccurs singly or in pairs in well-developed riverine *forest*s, tall woodland or, more commonly, eucalyptus plantations. Though retiring and…

Black Kite

Your browser does not support the audio element. Black Kite Milvus migrans A: SwartwouG: SchmarotzermilanN: ǂnū hīsabesSp: Mmankgodi yo mosoSs: Mmankgodi e montshoTw: Mmankgodi yo montshoZ: unhloyile waseYurobhu BIRD FAMILY Milvus Kites SIZE55 cm (L) HABITATMore often seen in *flocks* than  Yellow-billed Kite ; especially large numbers gather at emergences of flying termites. Otherwise, behaviour…


Your browser does not support the audio element. Bateleur Terathopius ecaudatus A: BerghaanG: GauklerN: !nuwu-ǂare !khāsSp: KgwadiraSs: PetlekeTw: PetlekeX: ingqangaZ: ingqungqulu BIRD FAMILY Snake-Eagles SIZE55-70 cm (L) HABITATNormally flies at low altitude over bushveld and woodland, using little wing-flapping; glides for long periods with a sideways rocking action as though balancing. SPECIES DESCRIPTIONFairly common, localised…