Cape Vulture
Gyps coprotheres
A: Kransaasvoël
G: Kapgeier
N: ǁhoa kai-anis
Sp: Rrantšwe
Ss: Lening la selomo
Tw: Diswaane
X: ihlanga
Z: udlanga lentaba
105-115 cm (VL)
The common vulture of the central regions and ranging widely when not breeding. Often perches on pylons. Frequents and reliant on high cliffs when breeding (May–Oct); colonies then comprise dozens or hundreds of birds. Otherwise occurs singly or in groups anywhere, but rare in Zimbabwe and Mozambique.
Common endemic resident but known to wander north. Similar to White-backed Vulture , but larger. Adult (5yr+) is very pale in colour and may have an almost white back; at close range the eye is honey-coloured. In flight and seen from below, darker outer primaries contrast with paler inner flight feathers with row of spots along inner margin. Immature more rufous, warmer brown than immature of White-backed Vulture , the neck pink with white feathers at the base.