Cape Robin-Chat
Cape Robin-Chat Distribution

Cape Robin-Chat
Cossypha caffra
A: Gewone Janfrederik
Ss: sethwenamoru
Z: ugaga

Thrushes, Chats and Robins

18cm (S)

Occurs in the fringes of forest at all levels (montane forests in eastern Zimbabwe), in riverine bush, patches of bush and rock on heath-covered hillsides – especially at the base of cliffs – and, in many regions, commonly in gardens. A winter visitor to eastern coastal districts.

Common resident. Distinguished by white eyebrows, orange upper breast and greyish underparts. Like all robin-chats, shows orange tail-feathers and back in flight. Immature has a pale orange breast spotted with black. Has a pleasant and continuing song, each passage starting on the same note and with the phrase ‘Jan-Frederik’ often repeated (hence Afrikaans name). Jerks its tail up when alarmed, and utters a low, growling ‘wur-da-wur’.