Brown Snake-Eagle
Circaetus cinereus
A: Bruinslangarend
G: Brauner Schlangenadler
N: ǂgama ǀao!khās
Sp: Lejanoga le lesotho
Ss: Lejanoha le lesootho
Tw: Lejanoga le lerokwa
Z: indlanyokensundu
71-76 cm (VL)
Solitary in any woodland or coastal grassland . Still-hunts conspicuously from a bare branch or pylon, killing and eating large snakes on the ground or in a tree. Occasionally hovers briefly. Nests made of sticks in trees or other birds disused nest.
Common resident. Large brown eagle identified by whitish, unfeathered legs, large yellow eyes, large head with forward-facing eyes and erect stance. In flight, dark body and underwing coverts contrast with silvery-white flight feathers. The tail has four clear, dark bands. Immature starts with similar plumage to adult but less dark (a), then progresses to mottled stage (b). At all ages the downy under-feathers are white, therefore even adult appears speckled when moulting.