Newman's-Booted Eagle
Newman's-Booted Eagle-Distribution

Booted Eagle

Hieraaetus pennatus

A: Dwergarend
G: Zwergadler
N: ǂkhari !khās
Sp: Ntšhu ye nnyane
Ss: Ntsu e nnyenyane
Tw: Ntsu e nnye
Z: ukhozolumadladla

Eagles (True)

48-52 cm (L)

Flying conspicuously at low altitudes in both hilly, open country woodland and semi-desert. Avoiding dense forest. Local pop. breeding occurs mainly in the montane cliff regions of south western South Africa and Namibia escarpment. Non-breeding visitors from n Africa and Europe range, more widely occur within the region during the summer months.

Fairly common resident and  summer visitor . A small eagle of buzzard proportions. Occurs in two colour  morph : dark brown and white or buff, the latter most common. At rest, buffy wing coverts show as a broad bar on the folded wing; white shoulder-patch diagnostic. In flight, a translucent wedge shape is visible on the inner primaries. upper wing pattern similar to  Milvus  kites (Yellow-billed Kite; Black Kite) with a pale panel across the inner wing coverts, but tail not forked.  Immature  similar to adult.