Black Sparrowhawk
Accipiter melanoleucus
A: Swartsperwer
G: Mohrenhabicht, Trauerhabicht
N: ǂnū ani!khāb
Sp: Matsenelela yo moso
Ss: Fiolo e ntsho
Tw: Segodi se sentsho
Z: uheshanomnyama
Goshawks and Sparrowhawks
46-58 cm (L)
Occurs singly or in pairs in well-developed riverine *forest*s, tall woodland or, more commonly, eucalyptus plantations. Though retiring and difficult to see, frequently breeds near human habitations. Feeding mainly on pigeons, doves and game fowl, sometimes small mammals. Hunting from concealed perch in a fast strike, even pursuing prey for some distance.
Fairly common resident. Large black-and-white hawk, normally with white or partially white underparts (a), thighs and vent either speckled black and white or entirely black. Eyes are orange or red, the cere and legs dull yellow. Melanistic morph (b) only has white throat and some white feathers on the flanks. *Immature* buffy below streaked with dark brown (may be more streaked than shown) and yellow eye; cf. *immature* African Hawk-Eagle , which is larger and has fully feathered legs. Usually silent but may call ‘weeeeeaa’ or ‘kew-kew-kew-kew-kew’ near its nest.