
Crowned Eagle

Your browser does not support the audio element. Crowned Eagle Stephanoaetus coronatus A: KroonarendG: KronenadlerZ: ukhoziqholwane, isihuhwa BIRD FAMILYEagles (True) SIZE80-90 cm (VL) HABITATPairs have territories in evergreen forest , forested kloofs, dense riparian forests with large trees and well-wooded hillsides. An extremely powerful hunter often taking prey much larger than themselves up to 20…

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Common Buzzard

Your browser does not support the audio element. Common Buzzard Buteo buteo A: BruinjakkalsvoëlG: MäusebussardN: ǂgama anitsēbebSp: Kgajwane ye tshothoSs: Kgajwane e tshoothoTw: Ntswana e rokwaX: isigolodaZ: isanxa BIRD FAMILYBuzzards SIZE45-50 cm (L) HABITATCommonly seen on roadside posts in summer, or circling slowly overhead. Northward-migrating flocks follow forested hills in early March. A non-breeding species;…

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Cape Vulture

Your browser does not support the audio element. Cape Vulture Gyps coprotheres A: KransaasvoëlG: KapgeierN: ǁhoa kai-anisSp: RrantšweSs: Lening la selomoTw: DiswaaneX: ihlangaZ: udlanga lentaba BIRD FAMILY Vultures SIZE105-115 cm (VL) HABITATThe common vulture of the central regions and ranging widely when not breeding. Often perches on pylons. Frequents and reliant on high cliffs when…

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Brown Snake-Eagle

Brown Snake-Eagle Circaetus cinereus  A: BruinslangarendG: Brauner SchlangenadlerN: ǂgama ǀao!khāsSp: Lejanoga le lesothoSs: Lejanoha le lesoothoTw: Lejanoga le lerokwaZ: indlanyokensundu BIRD FAMILY  Snake-Eagles SIZE  71-76 cm (VL) HABITAT Solitary in any woodland or coastal  grassland . Still-hunts conspicuously from a bare branch or pylon, killing and eating large snakes on the ground or in a tree. Occasionally…

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Booted Eagle

Booted Eagle Hieraaetus pennatus A: DwergarendG: ZwergadlerN: ǂkhari !khāsSp: Ntšhu ye nnyaneSs: Ntsu e nnyenyaneTw: Ntsu e nnyeZ: ukhozolumadladla BIRD FAMILYEagles (True) SIZE48-52 cm (L) HABITATFlying conspicuously at low altitudes in both hilly, open country woodland and semi-desert. Avoiding dense forest. Local pop. breeding occurs mainly in the montane cliff regions of south western South…

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Black-winged (Black-shouldered) Kite

Your browser does not support the audio element. Black-winged (Black-shouldered) Kite Elanus caeruleus A: BlouvalkG: GleitaarN: ǂnū-ǁgawo hīsabesSp: SegotšaneSs: SegootsaneTw: SegootsaneX: isitshisaneZ: udemezane, umazabelweni BIRD FAMILY Buzzards SIZE30 cm (M) HABITAT Occurs in  broad-leaved woodland , mixed bushveld and well-treed farmlands. Often perches partially concealed in the canopy of a tree, but also conspicuously on telephone…

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Black-chested Snake-Eagle

Black-chested Snake-Eagle Circaetus pectoralis A: SwartborsslangarendG: Schwarzbrust-SchlangenadlerN: ǂnū-ǀgā ǀao!khasSp: Lejanoga la sehubasoSs: Lejanoha la sefubantshoTw: Lejanoga la sehubantshoZ: indlanyokemnyama BIRD FAMILY Snake-Eagles SIZE63-68 cm (VL) HABITATUsually occurs singly in bushveld or grassland, occasionally perched, more often flying high and hovering; the only eagle to hover regularly. Snakes may be taken into the air, killed and…

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Black Sparrowhawk

Your browser does not support the audio element. Black Sparrowhawk Accipiter melanoleucus A: SwartsperwerG: Mohrenhabicht, TrauerhabichtN: ǂnū ani!khābSp: Matsenelela yo mosoSs: Fiolo e ntshoTw: Segodi se sentshoZ: uheshanomnyama BIRD FAMILY Goshawks and Sparrowhawks SIZE46-58 cm (L) HABITATOccurs singly or in pairs in well-developed riverine *forest*s, tall woodland or, more commonly, eucalyptus plantations. Though retiring and…

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Black Kite

Your browser does not support the audio element. Black Kite Milvus migrans A: SwartwouG: SchmarotzermilanN: ǂnū hīsabesSp: Mmankgodi yo mosoSs: Mmankgodi e montshoTw: Mmankgodi yo montshoZ: unhloyile waseYurobhu BIRD FAMILY Milvus Kites SIZE55 cm (L) HABITATMore often seen in *flocks* than  Yellow-billed Kite ; especially large numbers gather at emergences of flying termites. Otherwise, behaviour…

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Your browser does not support the audio element. Bateleur Terathopius ecaudatus A: BerghaanG: GauklerN: !nuwu-ǂare !khāsSp: KgwadiraSs: PetlekeTw: PetlekeX: ingqangaZ: ingqungqulu BIRD FAMILY Snake-Eagles SIZE55-70 cm (L) HABITATNormally flies at low altitude over bushveld and woodland, using little wing-flapping; glides for long periods with a sideways rocking action as though balancing. SPECIES DESCRIPTIONFairly common, localised…

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Bat Hawk

Your browser does not support the audio element. Bat HawkMacheiramphus alcinus A: VlermuisvalkG: FledermausaarN: surutsi!gūbe hīsabesSp: Matsenelela wa mmankganeSs: Fiolo ya mmankganeTw: Segodi sa mmamathwaneZ: umahlwithilulwane BIRD FAMILYHawks SIZE45 cm (L) HABITATFrequents riparian forests, evergreen *forest* and other heavily wooded regions, preferring light barked trees such as baobabs, mahogany including the edges of exotic plantations.…

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Ayres’s Hawk-Eagle

Ayres’s Hawk-Eagle Hieraaetus ayresii A: KleinjagarendG: FleckenadlerN: ǂkhari-anxa !khāsSp: Ntšhumebalabala ye nnyaneSs: Ntsutjheke e nnyenyaneTw: Ntsukgweba e nnyeX: Z: ukhozolumabalabala BIRD FAMILYEagles (True) SIZE46-55 cm (L) HABITATBreeding records are scattered but noted in Zim, n Botswana and n KZN and Northern Pretoria. Frequents well-wooded regions, wooded hillsides and *Eucalyptus* plantations, occasionally even in rural suburbia.…

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Amur Falcon

Your browser does not support the audio element. Amur FalconFalco amurensis A: Oostelike RooipootvalkG: Amur-RotfußfalkeN: aiǂoa ǀawa-ǂai ǀaubSp: Sepekwa sa leotomodipaSs: Phakwe ya leotolamunuTw: Phakwe ya lenao-orenjiZ: oklebeklebe BIRD FAMILYFalcons and Kestrels SIZE28-30 cm (M) HABITATOccurs in *grassland* and farmlands in *flocks*, often large; frequently mixes with [Lesser Kestrel] or [Red-footed Falcon]. Usually perches on…

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African Harrier Hawk (Gymnogene)

Your browser does not support the audio element. African Harrier Hawk (Gymnogene)Polyboroides typusA: KaalwangvalkG: Schlangensperber, HöhlenweiheN: !huni-ai hīsabesSp: SeitlhwaelediSs: SeitlhwaelediTw: SeitlhwaelediZ: ijikanyawo BIRD FAMILYHawks SIZE60-66 cm (L) HABITATOccurs in a wide range of habitats from montane forests and plantations to woodland, bushveld or thornveld at lower levels, especially riparian forests and wooded valleys. Becoming more…

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African Goshawk

Your browser does not support the audio element. African GoshawkAccipiter tachiroA: Afrikaanse SperwerG: Afrikanischer Sperber, TachirosperberN: Afrika ani!khābSp: Matsenelela wa AfrikaSs: Fiolo ya AfrikaTw: Segodi sa AforikaX: ukholoZ: ushomheshe, imvumvuyane BIRD FAMILYGoshawks and Sparrowhawks SIZE40cm (M) HABITATUnobtrusive in montane, lowland and riparian *forest*, wooded valleys, exotic plantations and *suburban* fringes. Partially crepuscular, still hunting from…

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African Fish Eagle

Your browser does not support the audio element. African Fish EagleHaliaeetus vociferA: VisarendG: SchreiseeadlerN: huri-am!ariǃkhāsSp: NtšhuhlapiSs: NtsuhlapiTw: AudiX: inkwazaZ: inkwazi BIRD FAMILYEagles (True) SIZE63-73 cm (VL) HABITATUsually occurs in territorial pairs at inland waters and rivers and seashores in remoter regions. Conspicuous and noisy, mainly hunt from a perched position swooping down to catch prey.…

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African Cuckoo Hawk

Your browser does not support the audio element. African Cuckoo HawkAviceda cuculoidesA: KoekoekvalkSs: Fiolo-lehopohoZ: usomthende BIRD FAMILYHawks SIZE40cm (L) HABITATUsually occurs singly near *forest* fringes, riparian forests, mixed woodland and plantations mainly in the eastern half of the region. SPECIES DESCRIPTIONUncommon, secretive resident. Recognised by its short legs, crested grey head – the grey extending…

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Test Species

Your browser does not support the audio element. Grey Go-away-birdCorythaixoides concolorA: KwêvoëlSs: MokoweZ: umklewu BIRD FAMILYTuracos and Allies SIZE47-50cm (L) HABITATPairs and small parties occur in mixed bushveld, woodland and well-wooded suburbia, usually in the upper stratum and invariably noisy. Flies with rather heavy wing movements, mostly below the tree tops. SPECIES DESCRIPTIONCommon resident. All-grey…

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Grey Go-away-bird

Your browser does not support the audio element. Grey Go-away-birdCorythaixoides concolorA: KwêvoëlSs: MokoweZ: umklewu BIRD FAMILYTuracos and Allies SIZE47-50cm (L) HABITATPairs and small parties occur in mixed bushveld, woodland and well-wooded suburbia, usually in the upper stratum and invariably noisy. Flies with rather heavy wing movements, mostly below the tree tops. SPECIES DESCRIPTIONCommon resident. All-grey…

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Rose-ringed Parakeet

Your browser does not support the audio element. Rose-ringed ParakeetPsittacula krameriA: RingnekparkeitSs: Hekana ya setonoleleleZ: unocu BIRD FAMILYParrots and Lovebirds SIZE40cm (M) HABITATUsually occurs singly in a variety of wooded habitats, including reed beds and suburbia. Parasitises weavers, bishops and sparrows, and often seen while being chased off noisily by weavers. SPECIES DESCRIPTIONFairly common, localised…

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Diederik Cuckoo

Your browser does not support the audio element. Diederik CuckooChrysococcyx capriusA: DiederikkieSs: Ntetekeng ya leihlofubeduZ: unonengekhanda BIRD FAMILYCuckoos SIZE18.5cm (S) HABITATUsually occurs singly in a variety of wooded habitats, including reed beds and suburbia. Parasitises weavers, bishops and sparrows, and often seen while being chased off noisily by weavers. SPECIES DESCRIPTIONCommon summer resident. Both sexes…

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Green Wood Hoopoe

Your browser does not support the audio element. Green Wood HoopoePhoeniculus purpureusA: RooibekkakelaarSs: Pekadifate e talaZ: inhlekabafazi BIRD FAMILYWood Hoopoes SIZE30-36cm (M) HABITATOccurs in parties of three to eight in woodland or well-wooded suburbia. Parties fly from tree to tree in straggling procession, settling low down and working their way upwards. SPECIES DESCRIPTIONCommon resident. Larger…

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Greater Striped Swallow

Your browser does not support the audio element. Greater Striped SwallowCecropis cucullataA: GrootstreepswaelZ: inkonjanenkulu BIRD FAMILYSwallows SIZE20cm (M) HABITATOccurs in pairs when breeding; otherwise small flocks are found over open terrain, montane grassland, near culverts, rocky koppies and human habitation. Flies with much gliding and perches frequently on trees and wires. SPECIES DESCRIPTIONCommon summer resident.…

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Speckled Mousebird

Your browser does not support the audio element. Speckled MousebirdColius striatusA: Gevlekte MuisvoëlSs: Mmasehlothwana wa leramantshoZ: indlazi BIRD FAMILYMousebirds SIZE30-35cm (M) HABITATFlocks, which fly in straggling groups, frequent dense bush, scrub, forest fringes and suburbia in the moister regions. SPECIES DESCRIPTIONCommon resident. Identified by dull-brown coloration and bill, black upper mandible, white lower mandible and…

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Southern Masked Weaver

Your browser does not support the audio element. Southern Masked WeaverPloceus velatusA: SwartkeelgeelvinkSs: letoloptjeZ: umzwingili BIRD FAMILYWeavers, Sparrows and Queleas SIZE15cm (S) HABITATGregarious at all times. Small parties and flocks occur in thornveld, riverine bush, and exotic trees around homesteads and farms. Breeds in small colonies in trees away from water, commonly in suburbia, or…

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Crested Barbet

Your browser does not support the audio element. Crested BarbetTrachyphonus vaillantiiA: KuifkophoutkapperSs: MmadiwatjheZ: usiqhovana BIRD FAMILYBarbets and Tinkerbirds SIZE23cm (M) HABITATFound in well-wooded savanna, riverine forest and bushveld. Attracted to fruit in suburban gardens. SPECIES DESCRIPTIONCommon resident. Well-known barbet with characteristic yellow-and-black plumage. Red scaling on the head is variable and less profuse in females…

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Black-collared Barbet

Your browser does not support the audio element. Black-collared BarbetLybius torquatusA: RooikophoutkapperSs: KopaopeZ: usibagwebe, isinqonqotho, isandondondwane BIRD FAMILYBarbets and Tinkerbirds SIZE19-20cm (M) HABITATOccurs in broad-leaved woodland, including well-wooded suburbia. SPECIES DESCRIPTIONCommon resident. Bright red forehead, face and foreneck, broad black collar, golden edges to wing-feathers and heavy black bill with ‘toothed’ ridge. Rarely, yellow replaces…

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Red-chested Cuckoo

Your browser does not support the audio element. Red-chested CuckooCuculus solitariusA: Piet-my-vrouSs: Tlo-nke-tsohoZ: uphezukomkhono BIRD FAMILYCuckoos SIZE28cm (M) HABITATOccurs in a variety of wooded habitats. Male calls from a high tree and often in flight when, in common with others on this page, it appears hawk-like. Parasitises mostly robins. Like other cuckoos, more often heard…

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Southern Red Bishop

Your browser does not support the audio element. Southern Red BishopEuplectes orixA: RooivinkSs: thaha-kgubeZ: ibomvana, isigwe, intakansinsi BIRD FAMILYWidowbirds and Bishops SIZE14cm (S) HABITATOccurs in flocks in association with reeds, rank grassland and cultivations; common in vleis. In summer, male displays by puffing out its plumage while perched or flying over its territory (see illustration);…

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Cape Sparrow

Your browser does not support the audio element. Cape SparrowPasser melanurusA: Gewone MossieSs: serobele-hlohophatshwaZ: undlunkulu BIRD FAMILYWeavers, Sparrows and Queleas SIZE15cm (S) HABITATUsually seen near human habitation. When not breeding, flocks occur on farmlands and in cattle kraals. Tame and confiding. SPECIES DESCRIPTIONVery common, near-endemic resident. Black-and-white head and breast pattern of male distinctive; female…

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Blacksmith Lapwing

Your browser does not support the audio element. Blacksmith LapwingVanellus armatusA: BontkiewietSs: MootlatshepeZ: indudumela BIRD FAMILYLapwings SIZE30cm (M) HABITATPairs and scattered individuals frequent the shores of a wide variety of inland waters, marshy ground, flooded fields and other moist places. SPECIES DESCRIPTIONVery common resident. A pied plover with grey wings and mantle. Immature has the…

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Spotted Thick-knee

Your browser does not support the audio element. Spotted Thick-kneeBurhinus capensisA: Gewone DikkopSs: KgwadiraZ: umbangaqhwa BIRD FAMILYThick-Knees SIZE44cm (L) HABITATPairs frequent dry, rocky ground with short grass, open fields and open areas within woodland; frequently in little-developed urban areas. Rests by day under bushes or among rocks, running off with lowered head if disturbed. SPECIES…

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Helmeted Guineafowl

Your browser does not support the audio element. Helmeted GuineafowlNumida meleagrisA: Gewone TarentaalSs: Kgaka ya lenakaZ: impangele lehlathi BIRD FAMILYGuineafowls SIZE53-58cm (L) HABITATWhen not breeding, flocks are sometimes very large, occurring in grassland, bushveld and farmlands. Regularly goes to water in the evenings. SPECIES DESCRIPTIONVery common resident. Told by blue neck, red cap and horny…

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Black-headed Heron

Your browser does not support the audio element. Black-headed HeronArdea melanocephalaA: SwartkopreierSs: Kokolofitwe ya hlohontshoZ: unokilonkolikhandamnyama BIRD FAMILYHerons, Egrets and Bitterns SIZE97cm (VL) HABITATOccurs singly or in scattered groups in grassland (especially pastures), grassy road verges, farmlands and marshes. Seldom feeds in water but roosts and breeds in trees or in reeds over water. SPECIES…

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African Black Duck

Your browser does not support the audio element. African Black DuckAnas sparsaA: SwarteendSs: Letata la nokaZ: idadelimnyama BIRD FAMILYGeese and Ducks SIZE51-54cm (L) HABITATDuring daytime, pairs inhabit streams and rivers with stony bottoms (often in well-wooded valleys), moving to larger, open waters at sunset to roost. SPECIES DESCRIPTIONUncommon resident. Characterised by dark grey-brown plumage with…

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Egyptian Goose

Your browser does not support the audio element. Egyptian GooseAlopochen aegyptiacaA: KolgansSs: LefalwaZ: ilongwe BIRD FAMILYGeese and Ducks SIZE71cm (VL) HABITATPairs occupy small waters or sections of rivers, but large numbers often gather on deep waters to moult their wing feathers or on sandbanks when large rivers are in spate. Often flies in the evening…

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African Sacred Ibis

Your browser does not support the audio element. African Sacred IbisThreskiornis aethiopicusA: SkoorsteenveërSs: lehalanyaneZ: inkankanelunga BIRD FAMILYIbises and Spoonbills SIZE89cm (VL) HABITATGroups or flocks forage in marshy ground, dams, on shorelines, agricultural lands, rubbish dumps and in breeding colonies of other large birds. Migratory to some degree within Africa. In southern Africa, most common in…

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Hadada Ibis

Your browser does not support the audio element. Hadada IbisBostrychia hagedashA: HadedaSs: lengaanganeZ: inkankane BIRD FAMILYIbises and Spoonbills SIZE76cm (VL) HABITATOften, several birds call in unison. Pairs or small groups feed on damp ground, near water or in vleis, plantations, agricultural lands, playing fields and suburban gardens. Roosts in tall trees and flies to and…

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Pied Crow

Your browser does not support the audio element. Pied CrowCorvus albusA: WitborskraaiSs: mohakajaneZ: igwababa BIRD FAMILYCrows SIZE46-52cm (L) HABITATA bold species usually found in association with human settlements, where it gleans food scraps, especially haunting refuse dumps, school playing fields, highways and farmlands. Usually in loose flocks or large communal roosts. SPECIES DESCRIPTIONCommon and widespread…

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Rock Dove

Your browser does not support the audio element. Rock DoveColumba liviaA: TuinduifZ: ijuba ledolobha BIRD FAMILYPigeons and Doves SIZE33cm (M) HABITATMainly occurs in larger towns, where it is very tame. Dependent on human habitation but flocks may frequent cliffs, mine shafts and farmlands. SPECIES DESCRIPTIONCommon to abundant resident. An introduced species. Very well known and…

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Karoo Thrush

Your browser does not support the audio element. Karoo ThrushTurdus smithiA: GeelbeklysterSs: setsipitsipi-sa-moruZ: umunswomduba BIRD FAMILYThrushes, Chats and Robins SIZE24cm (M) HABITATCommon in the Karoo and very common in highveld regions, where it frequents parks and gardens. Males display with drooping wings and splayed tail dragging on the ground. SPECIES DESCRIPTIONCommon endemic resident. Previously regarded…

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Common Myna

Your browser does not support the audio element. Common MynaAcridotheres tristisA: Indiese SpreeuSs: lehodi-tlabotjhaZ: usothathizwe BIRD FAMILYStarlings SIZE25cm (M) HABITATStruts about, in pairs or small flocks, gathering in large, noisy flocks to roost. Commensal with humans, their success directly related. Scavenges in urban habitats and associates with cattle and wild ungulates. SPECIES DESCRIPTIONVery common or…

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Cape Robin-Chat

Your browser does not support the audio element. Cape Robin-ChatCossypha caffraA: Gewone JanfrederikSs: sethwenamoruZ: ugaga BIRD FAMILYThrushes, Chats and Robins SIZE18cm (S) HABITATOccurs in the fringes of forest at all levels (montane forests in eastern Zimbabwe), in riverine bush, patches of bush and rock on heath-covered hillsides – especially at the base of cliffs –…

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Cape Wagtail

Your browser does not support the audio element. Cape WagtailMotacilla capensisA: Gewone KwikkieSs: motjodi-thokwanaZ: umncishu BIRD FAMILYPipits, Longclaws and Wagtails SIZE18cm (S) HABITATOccurs singly or in pairs near water, in suburban gardens, cities and at sewage works. Walks about feeding on the ground, occasionally wagging its tail. If disturbed, will perch briefly on a tree,…

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Cape Starling

Your browser does not support the audio element. Cape StarlingLamprotornisA: KleinglansspreeuSs: lehodi-pilwaneZ: ikhwezi BIRD FAMILYStarlings SIZE23-25cm (M) HABITATPairs or flocks appear in thornveld, mixed woodland and suburbia. SPECIES DESCRIPTIONIn poor light appears blue overall, even blackish; in good light is peacock-blue or green. Immature is drabber with much dull, blackish feathering. Want to learn more?…

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Dark-capped Bulbul

Your browser does not support the audio element. Dark-capped BulbulPycnonotus tricolorA: SwartoogtiptolZ: iphothwe BIRD FAMILYBulbuls and Allies SIZE20-22cm (M) HABITATGregarious, inhabiting most moist eastern and northern regions with bush and trees, especially riverine forests, but not evergreen forests. Abundant in suburban gardens. SPECIES DESCRIPTION Very common resident. Dark, crested head, dark eye and yellow vent…

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Red-winged Starling

Your browser does not support the audio element. Red-winged StarlingOnychognathus morioA: RooivlerkspreeuSs: letshomilaZ: isomi BIRD FAMILYStarlings SIZE27-28cm (M) HABITATPairs and flocks (large at communal roosts) frequent cliffs, caves or buildings where they roost and breed, dispersing daily to seek fruits and berries. SPECIES DESCRIPTIONTold from Pale-winged Starling by larger size, entirely red-brown flight feathers and…

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