Amur Falcon
Falco amurensis
A: Oostelike Rooipootvalk
G: Amur-Rotfußfalke
N: aiǂoa ǀawa-ǂai ǀaub
Sp: Sepekwa sa leotomodipa
Ss: Phakwe ya leotolamunu
Tw: Phakwe ya lenao-orenji
Z: oklebeklebe
Falcons and Kestrels
28-30 cm (M)
Occurs in *grassland* and farmlands in *flocks*, often large; frequently mixes with [Lesser Kestrel] or [Red-footed Falcon]. Usually perches on power lines, roadside posts or fences, frequently taking flight for brief sorties before resettling. Roosts in tall trees and is most commonly seen in the eastern regions.
Common *summer visitor*. A small, kestrel-like *falcon*; migrates to southern Africa from its breeding grounds in northern and eastern Asia, arriving in late spring and leaving by Apr–May. Female distinctive with heavily spotted underparts (including underwing coverts). Male very similar to male of Red-footed Falcon, differing mainly in white (not dark) underwing coverts, the white often visible as a thin wedge on the underside of the folded wing even when perched. *Immature* greyer, less rufous than immature of Red-footed Falcon.