African Fish Eagle
Haliaeetus vocifer
A: Visarend
G: Schreiseeadler
N: huri-am!ariǃkhās
Sp: Ntšhuhlapi
Ss: Ntsuhlapi
Tw: Audi
X: inkwaza
Z: inkwazi
Eagles (True)
63-73 cm (VL)
Usually occurs in territorial pairs at inland waters and rivers and seashores in remoter regions. Conspicuous and noisy, mainly hunt from a perched position swooping down to catch prey. Feed primarily on fish but also carrion, small mammals and reptiles often pirates from other birds, even recorded scavenging from crocodiles. Nest of sticks on top of trees near water.
Fairly common resident. Well known and distinctive. In flight, identified by combination of broad wings and short, white tail cf. [Palm-nut Vulture]. Very young, *immature*, fledged birds (a) (see also underwings); easily mistaken for other brown eagles or [Osprey], but pale demarcation line of white upper breast usually detectable. After one year, plumage pattern begins to resemble that of adult, although heavy brown streaks still remain on the white (b) up to 5th yr. The ringing, far-carrying call, in the air or while perched, is ‘weee-ah, hyo-hyo-hyo’, while tossing the head backwards, the male’s voice more shrill than the female’s. Pairs involved in aerial talon gripping during courtship