African Cuckoo Hawk
Aviceda cuculoides
A: Koekoekvalk
Ss: Fiolo-lehopoho
Z: usomthende
40cm (L)
Usually occurs singly near *forest* fringes, riparian forests, mixed woodland and plantations mainly in the eastern half of the region.
Uncommon, secretive resident. Recognised by its short legs, crested grey head – the grey extending to neck and upper breast – and boldly rufous-barred underparts and wing coverts. In flight appears harrier-like with long wings and tail with trailing edge to wings and barred tail. Bill is grey with yellow Cere, Male has red orange eye and Female has yellow eye. Flight action is buoyant and leisurely, wing beats slow with spells of gliding recalling a *Milvus* kite. *Immature* also has crested head, its white underparts with heart-shaped spots. Easily confused with [African Goshawk] in flight. Calls ‘ticki-to-you’ repeated slowly; also a high ‘peeeoo’. Males perform ‘U Shaped fluttering display flights while calling. Spends much time perched on a conspicuous vantage point but also makes occasional soaring flights.