Newman’s Birds of Southern Africa by Kenneth Newman – WildEarth Discount

$ 23.18

This edition of Newman’s birds of Southern Africa at once updates a classic and pays tribute to one of the region’s birding authors, the late Kenneth Newman. With the support of Faansie Peacock, the author’s daughter, Vanessa Newman, has thoroughly revised, updated and expanded this new edition to reflect the latest research, both in terms of text and illustrations. Covering all the birds recorded from the Antarctic to the Zambezi River, its range includes the birds from the southern seas as well as those of South Africa, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Botswana, Swaziland, Lesotho and Mozambique. The format of Newman’s birds has been preserved and subtly modernized. Colour coding of major bird groups and the characteristically bold cross-referencing between text and images have been retained. As always, large, accurate paintings of each species reflect the bird as it is seen in the field, and are now labeled with diagnostic features, in line with top guides round the world. A revised introductory section takes readers step-by-step through how to use this latest edition of Newman’s Birds of Southern Africa in the field.